Welcome to reality
Public Art Competition [10].lindenau, 2nd Place, (not realized), 2012
„Welcome to reality“ is a project proposal for ten display windows of a new shopping mall at “Lindenauer Markt” in Leipzig. The open call in- vited artists to controversially reflect on the so- cial, geographical and architectural change the construction of the shopping mall brings up. My proposal for the installation in the display window consists of a mirrorfoil that reflects the Wilhelminian style architecture by that the new mall is surrounded. And secondly the text (vinyl cutter type) on the window glass which shows a discussion about the construction of the mall that was held in the web for over 2 years.Thereby the people can review the different opinions about the construction and match them with the present.
Sketch Shopping Mall, Lindenauer Markt
The internet-discussion is available online: